Saari, James
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Sand, Eric
Head Athletic Trainer
- Phone218-755-2769
Sand, Robin
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Sandberg, John
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Sas, Magdalena
State Univ Adjuct Unit
Sayer, Ryan
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-2781
Schaefer, Davis
Baseball Adjunct
Scheela, William
Emeritus Faculty
Schmidt, Angela
Non Employee
Schmidthuber, Jared
Stationary Engineer
Schmitt, Shannon
Accounts and Collections Specialist
Schmitz, Lisa
Associate Professor
Scrivner, Susan
Emeritus Faculty
Sea, William
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-4103
Serratore, Thomas
Head Men's Hockey Coach, Associate Professor
Shockman, Jessica
Social Work Adjunct
Sillerud, Jeffrey
Campus Security Officer
Simpson, Michael
Nursing Student Services Coordinator
Skudlarek, Clarisa
General Maintenance Worker
Skudlarek, Daniel
General Maintenance Worker
Slough, Debbie
Admin Assistant to the Director of Athletics
Smiles, Deondre
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit
Smith, Jerry
Assistant Professor of Geography
- Phone218-755-2805
Smith, Michael
ITS 4/Network Manager
Smith, Shevin
Football Adjunct Coach
Smith, Tiffany
Sobieck, Emma
Assistant Women's Hockey Coach
- Phone218-755-2941
Solo, Troy
Central Services Administrative Spec. Intermediate
- Phone218-755-3922
Son, Young Seob
Sorensen, Jordan
Head Strength & Conditioning Coach
Spears, Shelly
General Maintenance Worker
Spray, Rachel
Non Employee
St John, Brian
Stanoch, Jason
Adjunct Faculty
Steen, Matthias
Assistant Soccer Coach
Steggall, Kelli
Director of TRiO McNair/SSS, Upward Bound
Steinmetz, Brent
General Repair Worker
Stensberg, Kevin
Senior Student Affairs Officer/Dean of Students
Stephani, Julia
Humanities Adjunct Faculty
Stevens, Michael
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Stish, Karen
Assistant Director of Advising
- Phone218-755-2066
Stoltenberg, Chelsea
Head Women's Basket Ball Coach
Stone, James
Assistant Professor, Soccer Head Coach
- Phone218-755-3928
Strowbridge, Larry
Plant Mainenance Engineer
Stueven, Mitike
Upward Bound
Sullivan, Danielle
Associate Professor of English; English Ed
Sumsky, Evonne
Music Adjuct
Sundahl, Steven
Associate Professor
Sundeen, Eric
Adjunct Faculty
Swain, Larry
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-2484
Swann, Cyrus
Adjunct Instructor
Szrot, Lukas
Assistant Professor of Sociology
- Phone218-755-2829